How Often Should I Replace My Windows?

How Often Should I Replace My Windows?

As a homeowner, you are naturally interested in keeping your home as updated and in as good repair as possible. When evaluating your next project, you may be wondering if it is time to replace your windows. The good news is the windows in your home should last for...
5 Types of Window to Consider

5 Types of Window to Consider

If you need new windows, whether you are building a home or putting on an addition, there are more options than you might realize. While traditional fixed windows can work in many cases, there is quite a bit of variety in the window world. Check out five of the top...
Do You Clean Your Windows Often Enough?

Do You Clean Your Windows Often Enough?

Many homeowners have asked us how often they need to clean their windows. The frequency varies slightly depending on the environment around the home, but overall, the answer is more often than most homeowners remember to do so. If you do not take the time to clean...
Tips for Adding Light Into Dark Rooms

Tips for Adding Light Into Dark Rooms

Lighting a room makes it more attractive and appealing. It also makes it safer to walk in. Figuring out the best way to brighten a gloomy and dark room is often a challenge, especially when you move to a new home. This is especially the case if the house lacks large...