Can Vinyl Siding Be Painted?

Can Vinyl Siding Be Painted?

Vinyl siding is supposed to be a permanent solution to many of your home’s painting and maintenance problems. But forever is a long time, so what if sometime in the future you get tired of the color and want to make a change? Can vinyl siding be painted? The short...
Remedies for Frequent Window Breaking

Remedies for Frequent Window Breaking

It is a fact of a homeowner’s life that at some point, your windows are going to break. Most often, we’re talking about broken glass through an accident, a break-in, or a weather-related act of nature. Although nobody wants to go through the headache and...
Unique and Trending Siding Ideas

Unique and Trending Siding Ideas

When many people think of siding, they picture the standard vinyl siding seen on many cookie-cutter-style houses. While this is the type of siding on a number of homes in subdivisions, this isn’t the only show in town. There are currently several types of trending...