Chicagoland is headed into winter, which means that it can be tempting to push any home repair decisions on hold until tulips begin blooming in late April. However, if your home is in need of new siding, it is best to get it taken care of before temperatures plummet and snow begins to fall.
Energy Savings
Siding that is well past its prime can cause its share of problems, including leaks that can allow cold winter winds to drop the temperature of your home. Instead of paying more money this winter in energy costs to run your furnace, start your savings in the fall by investing in siding before the winter winds begin blowing.
Stay Toasty Warm
Beyond decreasing your home budget for energy use, new siding can help to insulate and keep your home warm, despite the Chicago winter raging outside. Don’t delay your new siding until the spring when you can reap the benefits of a warmer home during the winter months.
Eliminate Moisture
Gaps in old siding can often invite moisture from cold winds and snow into parts of your exterior which should be protected. Excess moisture can mean an increase in mold or rot, two things that can cause you all sorts of trouble when spring arrives.
Save Time and Money
Realizing you need siding in the middle of a Chicagoland winter can cause stress to you and your siding professional. It can be difficult to schedule installation when weather is freezing, which can leave you frustrated. Even worse, it can be difficult to install certain types of siding when temperatures are too low. Take the leap now, before winter brings along extra challenges.
Enjoy a New Look
Best yet, choosing to invest in new siding before winter means that you have all season long to enjoy your home’s new look. Holiday visitors will love seeing your new updates, and your new siding can be a sense of happiness when you glance over while scraping the inches of snow and ice off of your car.
Don’t wait until springtime to reap the financial and personal benefits of new siding. Make the investment today and enjoy it all winter long.